Fall 2025 Golf Tryout Schedule ** All Tryout Dates Are Tentative ** Check Back Later In Spring For Final Dates As We Are Considering Moving Start Date A Few Days Earlier But For Now the Tentative Dates Are --
Thursday 7/31/2025 -- Burke Lake Golf Center - Time - 10:00 AM (will be brief intro meeting & conditioning work on driving range)
Friday 8/1/2025 - Penderbrook Golf Club -- Tee times starting @ TBD
Monday 8/4/2025 - Penderbrook Golf Club -- Tee times starting @ TBD
Wednesday 8/7/2025 - Penderbrook Golf Club - Tee times starting @ TBD
Student athletes will be responsible for purchasing a small bucket of balls at a rate of $9 each day at Burke Lake during tryouts. Student athletes will play 9 holes at Penderbrook on either 8/1, 8/4 or 8/7. Some may be asked to play multiple days.
* Keep in mind - In order to participate in any tryout, the student MUST have turned in a valid VHSL Sports Physical to our Woodson Athletic Trainer, Chris Hogge or the Activities Office AND submitted their Activity Registration through the AR Database (encompasses Emergency Care Form Info, Concussion Education Training and selection of sport trying out for)
Any questions - please email Coach David White at or David Choi at .